

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

Today's generation is hopeless. They have the work ethic of Paris and Nicky Hilton. They need to be entertained at all times. (ie. family cars with TV's and XBOX's) They don't/ can't read. They don't/ can't cook. They don't exercise. The United States is by far the fattest nation in the world and the children of the current generation are the fattest in history. There is a very simple solution to ALL of these problems. Proverbs 13:24. For those of you that don't have a Bible handy, it states in the RIV, (Rachel International Version) "Beateth, your childeth's anus…eth…." (or something like that). The problems we deal with now on a daily basis are the direct result of the lack of discipline in the home. Today's youth have too many rights. There is a fine line between discipline and abuse. I personally believe that discipline is only abuse when there's a witness and a phone call. Granted there are people that nearly kill their children through neglect or starvation, and I am not talking about those people. Those people are sick. I am talking simple stuff, like when your child steals something from the grocery store, you should be able to punch them in the chest without having to look over your shoulder for CPS. Every productive citizen in history got their behinds beat. Everyone one of them. Dwight Eisenhower got his behind beat. Adolf Hitler didn't. Jackie Robinson got his behind beat. Kevin Federline didn't. Michael Jordan got his behind beat. George Dubya didn't. See a pattern here? When I was a kid I can remember getting my behind beat consistently. My mom would create weapons to beat us. She duck-taped a 2 by 4 to an orange extension cord and swung it over her head like a lasso. I of course ran and she Wonder Woman-ed me by my knee caps and dragged me 6 blocks back to the house. The bad part about it was the extension cord was still plugged in. (note: everything after the word "consistently" is a lie) My mom had one of those old school wooden tennis rackets with no hole in the middle, just solid wood. The handle was short and had a leather grip. Attached to the end was a string that was used to so she wouldn't drop the paddle while whipping us. (if one person was getting a whipping, we all were about to get one) The paddle hung from the back of her door and was the source of torment from my childhood to late highschool life. Not only did we get the beating of a life time, we were also placed in "time-out", and placed on punishment. One occurrence would result in a beating of monumental magnitude, 6 hours of community service (usually cleaning my siblings' rooms or other chores), and all of the technology removed from my room. This included but was not limited to TV, radio, lights, air, and pretty much anything that required electricity or batteries. I can remember one time she turned off the electricity to just my room. I had to use daylight. When the sun went down I had to go to sleep. She would take anything that I enjoyed. One punishment restricted me from going to church, another restricted me from drawing. DRAWING!!! She came in my room one night and found me in the my closet with a flash light drawing anything I could think of. Though these punishments sound extreme, they were necessary to teach me whatever lesson she wanted me to learn. And I thank her for that. I am a level headed good woman with ambition and goals, and it has everything to do with my mom disciplining me. So with that said, please leave your homes, or computer labs, or jobs, or where ever you may be reading this, right now and punch the first kid you see. Multiple punches are a plus. They probably deserve it. We have to whip (literally) this nation back into shape one child and one drop kick at a time.

Join my "RHaLK 2007 campaign". ROUND HOUSE a LITTLE KID 2007.

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